This week on Monday Musings I am sharing my spring uniform and the pieces I’ll be wearing on repeat all season long. Items that I can wear over and over again and pair with multiple outfits are an essential part of my wardrobe. So, you’ll find that each of these pieces are super versatile and truly closet staples. My spring uniform consists of a classic striped teewhite denim, a trench coat for cool/rainy days, comfy white sneakers, and a spring time scent like this one here. Since I know I will be getting a ton of use out of each of these pieces, I prefer to invest a little more in them. However, I’ve linked less expensive alternatives below as well!

Shop my spring uniform here:

spring uniform
spring uniform

Do you have a spring uniform? What are the clothing items that you love to wear time and time again? Share in the comments below! And for more outfit inspiration, follow along with me on instagram or in the app, where I share exclusive content. 

monday musings

Monday’s are hard, but shopping doesn’t have to be. My series of Monday Musings are a quick read for when you only have a few moments to spare. Here you’ll see what I have my eye on, catch up with me, or find the latest sales to shop. Essentially a shortlist of all my weekly musings at your fingertips. So, friends, may your Monday be short, your coffee be strong, and your shopping begin. 

Xo, M